Return & Refund Policy
Subscription Cancellation
Once a plan is subscribed, customers are unable to cancel the subscription. We appreciate your understanding of this policy as it ensures a consistent and uninterrupted streaming experience for all our users.
Refund for Technical Issues
In the rare occurrence of technical issues during the payment process, where funds are deducted but the subscription is not activated, we will promptly investigate the matter in coordination with your bank. If the issue is confirmed to be a technical glitch, the deducted amount will be refunded to your account within 7 working days.
How to Report Technical Issues
If you experience any technical issues during the payment process, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]. Provide detailed information about the issue, and our team will initiate the necessary steps to resolve it.
Refund Eligibility Criteria
Refunds for technical issues will be considered based on the following criteria:
Refunds will not be provided under circumstances other than technical payment issues. LivCast maintains a strict no-cancellation policy once a plan is subscribed.
Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding our Return & Refund Policy, please contact our customer support team at [email protected]